lisa carollo
Instructor, RYT 200

Lisa began her yoga journey in 2012. Having no prior experience, she walked into Just Yoga looking for an alternative to the traditional gym workout she was accustomed to. She fell in love with not just the physical benefits and body awareness she was gaining, but more so the meditative state that yoga seemed to put her in. Coming from a high stress job and long 16-hour shifts, yoga was just the right outlet that helped her release a lot of the tense energy that she would carry around with her even days after a shift. Finally, after practicing and working at the front desk for several years at Just Yoga, Lisa decided to take teacher training in 2015.
While working in the medical field it was Lisa’s observation that most Doctors were quick to put patients on medications instead of spending time assessing patients properly and offering alternative methods. For years Lisa would advise her patients on the benefits meditation and movement could provide.
After working as a dialysis technician preceptor for 20 years, she recently decided to take a step back from the demanding hours and shifts to be home more with her two girls, Evie and Maddie. While being home every day with them is a blessing, Lisa felt there was still something missing. Lisa has a passion for helping people and, since stepping back from her career, she realized it was more than a passion; it’s her “purpose.”
Lisa can promise her students will always walk into a safe, supportive, and caring environment and she hopes they will carry that feeling throughout their day. Her goal is to have her students leave feeling just a little bit better than when they came.